Archives for 2022

Better4You Juices creates a business from a nutritious family recipe

Claudia Barnes started making her own healthy juices in early 2017 while her husband, Pat, was undergoing post-cancer chemo-radiation treatments. …

Worrying about the economy and my small business in a recession

Are you asking yourself these questions: Are we in a recession?  What will a recession feel like for my small …

Does my business need an employee handbook?

Small business owners have several things to consider when hiring employees. There are multiple forms, tax obligations, and insurances that …

9 Challenges Small Businesses are Facing

Owning your own business can be rewarding but there are many challenges that you need to overcome. The best thing …

Recent Changes to SAM

There have been some big changes to SAM in the past few months. In April, the DUNS number was dropped …

Developing a Customer Service Strategy

A customer service strategy is a thorough plan to handle customer interactions. It lets you provide a consistent customer experience. Improved …

What financial statements do I need?

As a small business consultant, I am frequently asked what are financial statements and which ones do I need? It …

UMW Eagle Innovation Business Pitch Competition awards $3,500 to student entrepreneurs

Congratulations are in order for the three student entrepreneurs selected to receive seed capital for their businesses and business ideas …

Top Technology Choices for a Small Business

Trying to keep up with continuously changing technology can be difficult. I am always looking for solutions to improve my …

Should I hire family members to work for me?

As a small business consultant, I occasionally get asked, “Should I hire family members to work for me?”  When you …

Exit Strategy: What is your plan for your business? 

As a business consultant, most of my conversations with small business owners are both exciting and stress-inducing. Most small business …

6 Potential Challenges When Running a Small Business

Running a small business is not a walk in the park. When I started my staffing agency five years ago, I truly had no idea what I was getting myself into. Certainly, I anticipated demanding …